Part of journalism is storytelling. We tell stories about the communities in which we live. Journalism is also one of the ways that citizens get involved in democracy in their communities.

What do most people call 311 about? there’s a story there Why do people have difficulty figuring out when their garbage is collected? there’s a story there

people need to take more ownership over finding the information for themselves, but this is something that will happen over time..maybe theres an opportunity to bridge that gap with journalism

the government has the information…they make it available to everyone. then its up to us to interpret that information

solving complex problems…at the very least, we want through access to info the ability to make better decisions

storytelling is a platform…it provides some capabilities, so what are we going to do with it? what are the desired outcomes? we dont know what we dont know! are we investing in the conversation, in the story what are the key outcomes when it comes to storytelling

interpreters! if some of the stories dont reflect well on the city, will you turn off the tap? city has to operate still civil servants are citizens too

we need everyone to tell stories, the wisdom of the crowd responsibility is to find differing views stories do shape perceptions and perceptions impact decisions later…but that’s not new

the role of journalism with open data? we always have different people specialize, dentists, sewers, etc. so journalists are another specialization. open data can help journalists do their jobs better.

news judgement/selection is a complex black art